- Krieter, Philipp; Breiter, Andreas (2018). Analyzing Mobile Application Usage: Generating Log Files from Mobile Screen Recordings. In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Human-computer Interaction with Mobile Devices & Services, MobileHCI ’18, ACM (New York, NY, USA, 2018).
- Krieter, Philipp; Breiter, Andreas (2018). Track every move of your students: log files for Learning Analytics from mobile screen recordings. DeLFI 2018, Frankfurt
- Weyel, Benjamin; Lehmann-Wermser, Andreas; Krieter, Philipp (2018). Musicalytics – Musikalisches non-formal situiertes Lernen in digitalen Lernumgebungen. Vortrag bei der „Musik und Multimedia 2018“, Wolfenbüttel
- Krieter, Philipp (2019). Can I Record Your Screen? Mobile Screen Recordings as a Long-term Data Source for User Studies. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia. MUM 2019. Pisa. ACM (New York, NY, USA, 2019).
- Andreas Lehmann-Wermser, Andreas Breiter, Julia Finken, Philipp Krieter, Benjamin Weyel (2020): musicalytics: Wie lernt man Musik in der digitalen Welt? In. Benjamin Jörissen, Stefan Kröber, Julia Unterberg (Hrsg.): Forschung zur Digitalisierung in der Kulturellen Bildung. München: ko-paed, S. 149-160
- Krieter, P. (2020). Looking Inside — Mobile Screen Recordings as a Privacy Friendly Long-Term Data Source to Analyze User Behavior. Dissertation.
- Krieter P., Viertel M., Breiter A. (2020) We Know What You Did Last Semester: Learners’ Perspectives on Screen Recordings as a Long-Term Data Source for Learning Analytics. In: Alario-Hoyos C., Rodríguez-Triana M., Scheffel M., Arnedillo-Sánchez I., Dennerlein S. (eds) Addressing Global Challenges and Quality Education. EC-TEL 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12315. Springer, Cham.
- Krieter, Philipp (Under Review). Are You still there? Estimating Students’ LMS Online-time by combining Log Files and Screen Recordings. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, submitted 6th of January 2020
- Lehmann-Wermser, A., & Weyel, B. (i. Dr.). Lernprozesse von Musik in digitalen Lernumgebungen verstehen. In E. Pürgstaller, S. Konietzko, & N. Neuber (Hrsg.), Kulturelle Bildungsforschung. Springer Fachmedien.